How to Thrive, and Survive, in a World of AI Disruption

The challenge we face today is not a “world without work” but a world with rapidly changing work.

The pace of progress in AI and machine learning is accelerating rapidly. In the past month alone, these are just a few of the news items I’ve seen:

DeepMind Technologies Ltd. in London, U.K., has developed a system to scan 1 million images from eye scans and is training itself to spot early signs of degenerative eye conditions.

Rethink Robotics Inc. of Boston, Massachusetts, founded by former Arizona AI Lab director, Rodney Brooks, made massive upgrades to its Sawyer robots to help non expert’s program routines that instruct the robot how to carry out complex tasks.

H&R Block’s tax preparers began using IBM’s Watson computer system to maximize customer deductions. Watson “knows” thousands of pages of federal tax code and will continually update changes as they occur.

Autonomy Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts, a startup developing self-driving cars based on technology from Arizona, has launched a small fleet of autonomous taxis in Boston.

Forward, a San Francisco, California, startup founded by Google’s former special projects director, is attempting to shift traditional health care away from immediate and reactive care procedures, to proactive care through the use of AI and wearable sensors.